Project Notebooks: Turn on project administrator requests
Turn on project administrator requests #
This articles discuss the Request Access functionality within Project Notebooks. This allows users to request admin rights to a specific notebook if needed from the front-end.
Prerequisites: This task requires administrative access to the Project Notebooks plugin.
Instructions #
To Turn on the Request Access feature #
Step 1: Navigate to the Project Notebooks Settings area by clicking the menu item located under the Project Notebooks main menu item.
Step 2: Click the Administrators tab located at the top of the page.
Step 3: Check the Turn on the ‘Request Access’ checkbox located at the bottom of this page.
Step 4: Be sure to Save your settings by clicking the Save button.
Once this setting has been turned on, your users will see a Request Access button on each of the Project Notebooks listed on the Project Listing page. Upon a user requesting access, the plugin administrator will need to approve the request to grant that user access.
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