Project Notebooks: Create a project budget
Create a project budget #
This article explains how to create and manage a project budget in a project notebook.
Prerequisites: This task requires the user to have administrative access to the Project Notebook.
Instructions #
Step 1: Navigate to the All Project Notebooks area by clicking the menu item located under the Project Notebooks main menu item.
Step 2: Click a project notebook’s title to edit the notebook.
Step 3: Be sure the Budget section has been turned on in the Choose the options for this project section.
Step 4: Add a Starting Budget by typing in this particular project’s budget.
Step 5: Click the + Add New button to create a new budget item.
Title – Provide a budget item name.
Item Description – Provide details for exactly what this budget item is. Be sure to include information that might be relevant if looking at this much later in the year.
Budget Type – Choose the type of budget item. Was this an expense for the project or a source of revenue for the project. The amounts will be added or subtracted from the starting budget number accordingly.
Item Value – List the dollar value of the item or revenue.
Step 5: Be sure to Save your work by clicking the Publish/Update button.
Once saved, the budget items will appear in the Budget section of the Project Notebook. You can edit, delete or duplicate budget items from this section. You may also choose to display this section on the front-end of your website.
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